Directional core drilling and borehole surveying
If you know how to run your inner tube, you know how to run your DeviFlex. It is THAT easy. DeviFlex is a non-magnetic electronic multishot for surveying inside casings and drill strings by simply using the wireline system. Magnetic disturbances will not influence the tool at alland it is supposed to be simple to use. Just pump the tool into the hole and pull it out in given intervals. No adjustments are necessary.
The DeviFlex tool consists of two independent measurinf systems. Three accelerometers and four strain gauges are used to calculate inclination and change in azimuth. In addition, the DeviFlex records and stores gravity vector, temperature, and battery capacity.
The DeviFlex fits casings and drills strings from B-Size and up to P-size. You need one instrument and a set of sleeves with various wheel sizes to adjust for different hole dimensions. The tool has been proven to work in horizontal as well as vertical holes.
The DeviFlex communicates with a PDA, and the results can be viewed on the PDA screen in field once the data is downloaded from the tool. The data can thereafter be further processed in DeviSoft, analyzed, plotted and reported to the client.